
Category Archives for "Blog"

Use Scarcity to Sell

If you want to find out why some things sell and others not, you need to have a closer look at this infographic. I also find the book “Influence” by Robert Cialdini a very valuable resource. Question: “How can you create scarcity for your products or services?”  Make contact with Master Coach Andreas Becker to […]

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Finding Your Niche

Finding Your Niche

There are 2 ways to provide a good value to clients, one vertical and one horizontal and then there is the one that is focused like a laser beam. The worst scenario would be to try and provide a vertical and horizontal service, ie everything to everyone. You are sure to struggle to sell your […]

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Formula for Change

This formula can be most helpful if you want to move ahead and you feel that you are running into a brick wall. When things don’t happen it is usually one or more of these factors in the formula for change that hold you back. Here are some things that you can do: 1. Dissatisfaction […]

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